Sunday, August 24, 2014


      (10-4-12 Part 2) TOO OLD TO FOLD...These two actor/singers have both been in the news recently. CLINT EASTWOOD ( the one with the gun ) and MICHAEL DES BARRES appeared together in the film "Pink Cadillac". While at the Republican Convention in late August Clint made a fool of himself and saddened many of us who have been his fans over the years ( see blooge "SCHLOCKADELIC STOOGES" 8/7/12 for IGGY's view of Clint). It called to mind the scene in "The Wild Bunch" where Lyle Gorch ( Warren Oates) tells Pike Bishop ( William Holden) that maybe Pike should "cash in his chips and find another game." When asked about the negative reaction to his "empty chair" routine Clint said he was too old to care. This is pretty much the same answer IGGY gave when responding to critics of him being a spokesman for an insurance company that won't insure musicians ( see Blooge Archives for "DAY 29" on 11/14/11).
     This last month Michael Des Barres ( see Blooge Archives "DAY 29" on 11/29/11 and " ANYTHING BUT SAVAGED" 1/24/12)  released his latest solo album "CARNABY STREET". If you dig The FACES ( both 'Small' and large) and the best of Humble Pie then this CD is an essential purchase. The title track in particular should be on the top of the playlist of any radio station that claims to play ROCK N' ROLL. Michael will never be too cynical to care or too old to Rock. Check him out when he hits your town!
    BTW...The lead guitarist with Michael's band ( MDB) is Eric Schermerhorn, who also played with IGGY on the great "AMERICAN CAESAR" LP.

  PS. If you doubt that "Clint Eastwood" and "singer" should be in the same sentence check out the theme song to "GRAN TORINO", crooned by Clint and written by him and his son. It's the best song about a car since...well, since "Pink Cadillac"....

1 comment:

  1. Clint's ok. He just forgot his own advice....
