(5-16-12) WIDE TRACKIN'..This is more like it! For one thing, if you ever used an 8-track you probably had a cooler car back then than you do now. Also, like Abe Lincoln's stovepipe hat, you could actually open up the tape and store cool stuff in it ( like my friend who hid his stash in his "AXIS, BOLD AS LOVE" tape). I even dig the different running order of the songs. One quibble: wouldn't it have made more sense to put "Loose" & "Dirt" together and then given "Fun House PT's 1 and 2" it's own track?
P.S. This Blooge is dedicated to CARROLL SHELBY..he never slowed his Mustang down
P.S. This Blooge is dedicated to CARROLL SHELBY..he never slowed his Mustang down